Jillian Michaels Maximize Your Life

I really didn't know what to expect when I attended this show. Was Jillian going to show us workout moves? Was she going to tell us what we already know?

I've always been a Jillian Michaels fan. Before I had a gym membership, I was constantly buying new workout videos. I always liked how she was hard core and straight to the point.

What I admired most was before the show her kids and wife were running around on the stage. It made her feel more real to me. Also, she came out wearing flip-flops.

Jillian's approach was pretty much just as expected. Her main theme was eat less, workout more. Pretty simple logic.

What affected me the most was how we are feeding our kids and ourselves bug spray. Here is a link to find out the dirty dozen and the clean 15,  http://foodmatters.tv/articles-1/2012-shoppers-guide-to-pesticides-the-dirty-dozen-clean-15

This list tells us which foods that we eat that are high in pesticides. I personally will not be buying any on the dirty dozen list, unless it's organic. I will not feed my family bug spray. I guess I always knew it, but this really hit home.

She also highly recommended only buying grass fed meat, due to all of the hormones that are injected into these animals. I have done some research and found a local place to pick up grass fed meat,   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pure-Pastures/260009257380925

Everything else she talked about was pretty much common sense.  It is what doctors, trainers, and everyone else has been telling us.  To lose weight it's simple, eat less, workout more.

Tickets were received in exchange for advertising on our site, but the opinions are 100% my own.  


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